Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 3)

Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 3)

As I recollect the events of those days of 1984, I hardly remember anyone condemning the riots at that time, not even our elders. Rather I heard a few of them (persons, who generally claim to have ‘seen the world’ and supposed to be acting in a more responsible...
Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 2)

Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 2)

The purpose of my current piece of work is to go back in time (as far back as in my early teens) and recollect the events as they unfolded from time to time, especially the happenings in the last two decades that gradually shaped the conditions which finally led this...
Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 1)

Today is the Result of Yesterday (Chapter 1)

Life, the greatest teacher of all, often exposes us to various experiences which play a great role in shaping our lives, our outlook and our perceptions. It makes us witness certain events which however ordinary may seem to the world around, change our entire...


During my recent visit to the Pink City, I came across a banner that read – “शराब से नहीं, दूध से करें नव वर्ष की शुरुआत” (start the new year with milk – not with alcohol). Just the imagine of people clinking glasses of milk at new year...